Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Exec. Communication will meet during MORNING session this coming Sat., Nov. 15

Prof. Roberts has graciously agreed to switch time slots for this coming Saturday. Executive Communication will take place during the morning session; Prof. Roberts' accounting class will take place during the afternoon session.

As indicated in previous emails and our blog (www.mbaecomm10.blotspot.com), our communication session this coming Saturday will be a workshop on best practices in oral communication. Your group will present its assigned topic and we will videotape your speaking. If you plan to use PowerPoint or other graphic supplement, please check out all technical details well in advance. (We don't want to be scrambling for the right cable or connector at the last moment.)

You will receive in-class feedback both from your instructor and classmates. You will also be able to view your video on Blackboard after your instructor has had a couple days to study it and offer you additional written feedback.

Please don't consider this experience a 'final performance.' It would be better, in the spirit of a workshop, to think of it as a 'dress rehearsal' where you are presenting a work in progress.

As I mentioned, in a later MBAE class where you have a formal presentation to give, I will sit in (with the instructor's permission) to give you constructive feedback on what your group considers a highly polished presentation.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!


Art Bell

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