Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here's our syllabus for MBAE Executive Communication

Although we may have to tweak the syllabus somewhat as situations emerge, here's "the plan" for our communication work together through Nov. 15. You will also receive hard copy of this syllabus in class on Sept. 24.

Click here for MBAE Executive Communication Syllabus


SK Noftsinger said...

Thanks for posting this! I am trying to figure out this Blog thing now!

DukeDuke said...

I am not sure how to actually start a blog, so I will simply post to this one.

Did anyone take a look at some of that streaming video of our 2-minute presentations from Day 1?

Oy, somebody should really feel comfortable telling me that I use my hands too much. You have my permission in the future.

Eugene Katz said...

I know what I would have done differently during the recording session.

Gil said...

Can someone walk me through where to find the videos? Thanks!

Gil said...

Dashboard- found it!